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UruguayNow in the press
UruguayNow's mix of travel and tourist information on Uruguay, hotel reviews for Montevideo and Punta del Este (coming soon for Colonia), restaurant reviews and tips on excursions, sightseeing and lifestyle in Uruguay has been featured in El Pais, La Republica, MercoPress and on Uruguay's Channel 5 TV and other news media in the country. Internationally, we have had kind mentions in the New York Times and the Daily Telegraph.
Best of the Web
Not yet made it to Uruguay? When you're done with UruguayNow, our choice of the top 6 internet resources for the country is just a mouse click away. In no particular order, they are:
Southern Cone Travel:
Ola Uruguay:
Retired in Uruguay:
Uruguay Natural:
Global Property Guide:
For reviews of these sites, please click here.
Other recommended sites

Info, Maps & Communications
The official tourist information office in Montevideo is close to the port and a block from the Port Market (Rambla 25 de Agosto corner Yacar�). It can provide brochures and advice on accommodation and activities throughout Uruguay.
Maps of Montevideo are available at newspaper kiosks throughout the Old Town, Centre and beach districts. Free maps of the downtown and Punta Carretas/Pocitos are often handed out at the larger hotels. Hotels in Punta del Este routinely do the same. Internet cafés are common in the Centre, particularly around the Plaza del Entrevero and in the streets around the main University building in the Cordón district. Wifi is increasingly common in cafés in the Old Town and (to a lesser extent) the beach suburbs. The tourist information office can supply a simple road map of the country.
Telephone: Country code is 598. Montevideo city code is 2 (leave out when dialing in the city). You can rent mobile/cell phones in Montevideo and Punta del Este.
Uruguay's official language is Spanish. English is spoken in large hotels in Montevideo and Punta del Este, and in some restaurants and shops.
Appliances that function between 220 – 240 volts will usually work without a problem in Uruguay.