Hotels in Montevideo


Our selection of Montevideo’s best accommodation options (here) includes a number of recommendations in the Centre, and also in the beachside districts of Punta Carretas and Pocitos where properties are often more modern.

Note that some budget options in the Centre are noisy and may not be well maintained. Heating can be insufficient in budget hotels in the winter in Uruguay as a whole.

For chain hotels, in Uruguay as elsewhere, the internet booking systems of each brand are likely to give you competitive rates, particularly if you book well in advance.

Foreigners are not charged VAT (sales tax) on hotel stays in Uruguay.

We include hostel recommendations in a separate money saving chapter. Click here for more details.

Please note that the prices given here are approximate rates for two people staying midweek. They are based on information provided either directly by the hotel or via their websites. Note that internet brokers may also offer discounted rates and that cheaper weekend and other special deals may be available.